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Saturday, 7 October 2017

What Are The Steps To Remove Autorun Virus From Hard Disk Drives?

There are millions of users who access their computer on a regular basis and these users often come across virus attacks issue and a common virus found is autorun. In order to stay away from such viruses, a user should make use of Kaspersky antivirus that is viable in keeping your device secure from viruses and malicious attacks. This virus easily makes multiple copies of itself and it can be found in each drive on your computer as a read-only and hidden file. Kaspersky support explains you the complete description of steps by using command prompt window, just go through these given steps and you are done.
Directions to follow:
  • First, turn on your PC and go “Start” on the left side of your screen and click “Run” and type cmd there then press “Enter”.
click “Run” and type cmd

  • Now command prompt window will open and there you have to type cd\ and the press “Enter”.
type cd\ and the press “Enter”

  • After that, you need to type attrib –r –h –s autorun.inf and then press “Enter” again.
type attrib –r –h –s autorun.inf

  • Please note that, you don’t need to put any space between dash and the letter but you have to put a space after r, h, and s.
you have to put a space after r, h, and s

  • Once you do so, type del autorun.inf and next you have to press “Enter”.
type del autorun.inf

  • In case, your system shows you a message “file not found- check the spell for autorun.inf.
If you have G drive on your computer, then type g: and press “Enter”. You need to repeat the 3 and 4 steps. In the same way, you have to repeat the step 5 for every partition you have on your computer.

After that, restart your computer and you are done with this process, this way you are able to delete this virus from your system. If you need any help then make a call on Kaspersky Customer Service Number for expert’s guidance. You’ll get complete support from these experienced professionals.You can Contact Kaspersky Support Ireland by dialing our helpline number: +353-768887727.

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